Sunday, November 02, 2003

If ne of u's live in da ct, Kensington, Kingsford, Maroubra or similar... r u interested in a new flatmate? :D I'm a relatively clean, good natured n friendly guy.. if u like pets u'll like me... n if u love alcohol... u'll goddamn LOVE me~~!!
Think of me as an overgrown chimpanzee.. that way u'll come 2 accept my feeding habits n especially the smell~ :)

I need outta my house.. bad... cannot... take... the... constant... nagging NEMORE~!! There is nothing worse than the constant nagging of an fat 40 yr old asian woman.. really.. there isnt.. i swear 2 god... my mum can get a job wit da FBI no sweat... ne terrorists or suspects.. just lock em in a room wit my mum n by 1 hr... he'll spill nething just 2 get out no joke.. its that bad i swear...
But i dunno.. its hard.. i gotta find 2 jobs just 2 b able 2 support myself... n also... i dunno how 2 cook, clean, or dress myself... so it gunna b fun!!! :D
nah main concern is that.... no matter how much of an asshole my parents r... i'm still reluctant 2 move out without their consent... yes.. guilt is a terrible thing.. my conscience is a curse...

So yea.. i've succeeded in convincing my dad... nah scrub that.. the shitty old man fuckin *wants* me out!! but my mum, hai... i dun wanna move out knowing that i made her sad or nutin.. which i think im doin just by talkin 2 her bout moving out... but she dont realise that part of the reason i want out is due 2 her brain-piercing nagging...
Hai... dont want 2 upset my mum by moving out... even tho she bitches 2 me 24/7... even tho shes a six yr old stuck in the body of a 46 yr old whale... even tho she hides glass in my food... :(

O wellz... i'll keep trying...


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