Saturday, November 01, 2003

Just watched Pulp fiction 2day... n it was really good.. weird... but good..
I dont know how or y.. but... it sumhow just seemed really... realistic... yea i know shit explanation... but everything just seemed so natural... if u've seen the movie u're prolly thinking "Wtfs natural bout a big black dude gettin tied up n raped up the ass by a cop~?!?!", but i mean in... the dialogue just seem.. altho random n totally irrelevent 2 wats happening in the scene, just seems so natural n unscripted... which is rare cos in most films the characters r saying jibber that no1 eva says in real life..
Its rare in a film 2 watch a scene as tho u're peeping in2 the characters private life... rather than watching a movie...

bleh~ u're an idiot if u dont know what im goin on bout.. >:(

N Uma thurman hits the nail rite smack bang on the head when she says that u found someone really special when u dont have 2 say a bunch of bullshit just to fill the awkward silence...
i paraphrase~ :D
its hard 2 find sum1 where that silence isn't awkward one... but a content one...


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