Thursday, July 04, 2002

Whos fucking in charge of da public transport system here~?!?!?!?
With ever increasing fares, u'd think that our trains n buses were in pretty good condition... but 2day, i left my house at 1.30pm, n got 2 Eastwood ( next suburb ) at 4~!!!! Crossing the bridge after Meadowbank, we just heard all this screeching n crashing coming from the top of the carriage... n then we just waited there... the driver told us 2 wait n they'll tell us what 2 do in 10 minutes... 20 mins later says wait another 10 mins n he'll tell us 4 sure what 2 do... another 20 mins, he says sum dude drove up n he can tell us whats goin on... in 10 mins time that is... we finally get told 2 evacuate 2 the first carraige where we waited sum more b4 we *slowly* left 1 by 1 off a stairway....
Fucken waste of time~!! well, i guess lucky nuthin more serious happened... i could've sworn i smelt bin laden somewhere near... : |
Enuf rant.

I haven't updated in awhile... cos... i'm a lazy sonofabiatch~~ hard 2 think of what 2 say... i'll post sum stuf up abit laters...


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