Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Hey boys n girls~! Due 2 popular demand Jimbo the wonderful dancing monkey is back again~!!! REJOICE~!!!
in other words i have finally figured out my password 4 this fuckin thing after a yr n a half of intensive pondering~!! :D :D

so yea no worries... im back here 2 entertain ur dull.. dull... oh so very dull lives with my sad n bitter existance~!

i've been reading thru this thing again.. cos i've 4gotten all about it.. n goddamn do i ramble heaps?? n r u guyz ( hehe.. "guyz"... thats me pretending that there actually r ppl reading this thing~ :) ) having as much difficulty as i am trying 2 read thru all my lazy abbreviations n shit? such as "2" for "to" n "4" for "for"? i even saw a "cing" 4 "seeing".. omg what was i thinkin??

enuf rambling monkey~!! neways... yea me is back cos my life has hit yet another huge mother fuckin pothole ( did sum1 say pot?? :D ).. n yea... this distracts me from the sad, disturbing not 2 mention unhygienic life that i have~ :)


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