Thursday, September 08, 2005

Yes. I do wish my girlfriend was as hot as you.

The clip for Pussycat Doll's "Don't cha" is mesmerising. I can't get the lead singer out of my head. Its on constant replay in my mind.
So. Fucking. Hawt. And everyone knows for gweilo thats saying alot coming from me.
I sit through entire countdowns with the asshats Andrew G and James just to see that damn clip. Like an addiction, going through so much pain and torture just to get my hit.

She looks scary and violent. I can picture her kicking my ass bloody and I'll be sprawled on the floor with an outstretched hand:
"... want.. to.. touch.. the hiney...".

I'm a big sucker for girls with eyes slightly tilted upwards.
And any girl that can pull off a ponytail gets extra brownie points.

My sister recently bought a Chihuahua. Seems more like she paid 400 bucks for a giant rat.
Its tiny. I can fit her whole head inside my mouth. I know this because I tried.
It lives in a sock. With room to spare.

Here are some random pictures of the pets:

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She fits in my hand.

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.. and my pocket.

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Realised I've never posted pictures of my dog.

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.. and here's why.

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My birthday cake, from Nat and Yooke. Made from three Twix bars, 200 marshmallows and 7 kilograms of icing sugar.
Tasted like cavities.
