Sunday, November 30, 2003

Long time no post~ <: ) sorry~~
but yea.. its sunday... just had a long day at work... lack of sleep + work = painful... :(
nothin 2 do.. just home n bored.. n its hot... n i think im getting my pms early or sth cos feeling kinda low atm... hmm....

Neways the show must go on~

Went clubbing on thurs n fri nite... thurs nite was the uni function held at sharkies... n FUCK ME DEAD i waited 4 fucken 2 hrs 2 get in~! i mean wat kinda dumb fucks sell more tickets then they can accomodate 4?? n after 2 hrs in the line~! the dude tries 2 kick us out~!! he puts his arm in front of me n says sorry clubs closed .. fuck that im goin in even if i gotta cause a riot 2 get my way... after abit of shovin by every1 he gave up n cut off the ppl behind me... ( unfortunately found out later that those ppl were linh~ <:) haha aiya~ )..
Finally got in n it was like a sauna up there... could almost swim in the solidfied B.O... it was warm n felt like breathing with a piece of tissue over ur nose n mouth...
but the music was good.. the rnb that is.. the dance sucked hard... n only had a few ppl there... the rnb played alotta my favourites so i was havin a mad time playin karaoke~ ;) hehe~
N omg~! spotted this nasty ass bitch~~ mustve been at LEAST 30 wearing nutin but her LINGERIE 2 dance ~!!! no fuckin joke.. u think "haha jims an drunken idiot n he's just imagining things again.." but Pat ( yea i've given up on changin names.. seems like no1 minds :D ) n Alicia saw 2~~

neways.. that nite was alrite.. music good.. but no group 2 dance wit.. fucken Ken the lil bastard ran off sumwhere.. n my other friend who sed'll she come bum... fark man saw her 4 like 2 mins then she ran off sumwhere... i suspect she's been sniffing paint again cos she was abit *too* happy when i saw her but okay~!

Friday nite went sublime 2 go clubbing.. but me n poof ( pat ) hurriedly n skolled ( scolled? kant speel pleese HALP ) a few bourbon cokes just b4 we left the house...
Got 2 da clubbed n Oh my fucking grandmother i was going off like a drunken monkey~!! i havent danced so much nor so retardedly ( wait that bits not tru ) in a LONG time~!!

I grinded a few diff guyz ass n even kissed sum dude i think lawrence whom i just met's cheek~! yay score~! :| :| :| I am not gay. just bi~ :D
haha o wellz.. had a fuckin mad time... phil n wilma looked bored shitless but HEY so wat else is new??

haii.. would've been a real good nite.. but just cept 4 1 lil tarnish... went with... Amex.. the girl i thought i was over... turns out.. im not... i've just found a way 2 bury it deep inside temporarily... gettin beta... but when 1 of her friends was chattin wit her n being really physical... felt a sharp pang n i had 2 turn around n dance facing every1 else.. it wasnt suss cos yea i kinda made it look like we were dancing in a circle.. but o wellz...

So much 4 gettin over things eh pat? sorry dude.. didnt keep up my end of the deal... but i will.. eventually...

In the meanwhile... bring on the ALCOHOL~!!
Cya kids n play nice~!!


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