Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Conan seems 2 really enjoy posting about periods n all the nastiness that is concerned in that business... n at those times... i just sit back n think how sweet it is 2 b a bloke~ muahahah~
i mean.. seriously.. in highschool.. during Health lessons... learning bout puberty n shit...

the teachers going on bout.. how... girls when they reach purberty they start getting the menstrual cycle, where they get a bloody discharge from their vaginas... i was like OMFG~!!!
n then he talked about the effects of puberty on us... n after he's done i was thinking... wow... so girls dribble out blood n garbage once a month n we dream of sex n cum in bed? Sounds like a pretty sweet deal 2 me~ :D

N lemme ask u ppl out there~ male n female... do ne of u remember when u started getting pubic hair? No no no seriously hear me out...
Cos 4 me... they just kinda... *sprang* out ova nite or sumthin~~ cos i neva saw no fuzz, never saw ne stubbles... just early one innocent day peeing n yawning ( i remember this moment in great detail cos it was SHOCKING 4 me~! )... i look down.. n WTF?~!?!?!!?! A great big curly forest was down their strangling my penis~! I was in shock~! i had no idea wat was going on~! it scared n grossed the shit out of me~!! i ran outta the toilet half naked, squirting urine all the way 2 my bedroom, n attacked my crotch with a pair of scissors.

Yes... unfortunately... i actually shaved down their b4... :| haii.. 2 this day i cant believe i placed a pair of scissors so close 2 beloved Mr Winky... scary ne?

haii.. i highly advise against ne 1 2 shave or do nething down there...
( especially if u're a bloke.. thats just WRONG... naked salami? aiya~ If u're a dude NEVA remove ne of ur god given hair... only exception is if its *really* morbid like growing on ur tongue or sumthing... ) cos.. omg.. when it grows out again... the stubbles... FUCK ME DEAD They *ITCH* BEYOND ALL REASON~!!~!!! i was non stop scratching 4 like a whole months or sumthing~!!

O wellz.. thats enuf 4 2nite.. but on a final note...

Girl's g-spots feel like a lil kiwi fruit...
Guy's g-spots r located in their asshole...

God has issues...


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