Saturday, November 15, 2003

Omg i'm sooo loving cable internet... its like.. jesus... after 1 long... long week of no internet.. i felt as tho i was cut off from the outside world.. my link to society was cut n i had 2 ask my friends the next day wats been happening in case i was missing out on sum crazy shit thats been going just coincedentally when i'm disconnected~ :|

sad. yes. but tru~ :| which makes it even more sadder.

Neewaays~~ I've finally moved in2 my new home... in west pennant hills.. n by gods does it SUCK~ haii.. i think it was just overrated when my mum was describing it 2 me... she kept saying out big it was... n ok.. mebbe.. technically... its not a small house... like average... but the architect had a screw loose... it was like he has a fear of open spaces or sum shit n so designed a series of tiny ass rooms 4 the whole house~!! that just defeats the whole purpose of having a large house~! OMG~! aiya.. pok gai ya~~~ only bonus is that i have a swimming pool..
even tho i dun really like swimming.. :|
Bleh.. i dont want 2 start ranting on the ordeal that moving was... its just.. haii... it'll piss me off just being reminded of the constant asian nagging n whining from both parents..

Tired now.. brain not functioning well.. got work 2molo... n drinking at nite cos cousin Dodo's 21st... so pplz... EXPECT SUM CALLS unless u fall in2 categories (a), (b) or (c)~!!!



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