Thursday, November 20, 2003

I was born here in australia, n i've neva been 2 ne chinese school.. all my mandarin is taught by my quasi-retarded parents... no wait... they're just plain retarded.. no semi about it... n so now as a result i'm left with this fucked up mandarin.. n according 2 friends that can speak mandarin i have a vocabulary of a 5 yr old.. cos thats when i stopped learning... i say things like "little undies" instead of "underwear" etc etc...
Was talking 2 Crushed teddy earlier 2nite.. n she confessed she dont know alotta things 2... cos i dunno NE rude words or ne words 4 privates.. like i call tits "nei nei" n penis "ji ji".. which literally translated means "chicken chicken" ... but Teddy fessed that she refers 2 hers as "chien mien de pi guu"... which is "the front bum"~ AHAHAH~!! ;) ;) small things amuse me~ :)

Can ne of u out there that speak mandarin help us out~??
n additionally... is it just me or is there no good name 4 the pussy... like 4 guyz... theres dick.. which is fair nuff... but is it just me or does "pussy" sound derogatory? n vaginas just plain bad~ :|

I gotta get this comment thing up n running asap..
CONAN~! where r u~?!?! <:( i need ur help lor~~ save me~! :(

n ok on a totally irrelevant note... i dunno.. have u eva stumbled across a blog that is made by sum1 u know or kinda know..? but they havent actually told u about it..? i dont know.. im curious.. but dont dare read it until they actually tell me about it.. else it just feels... i dont know.. dirty...

i know u're thinkin wtf?? but it just feels like.. im peeping in2 their secrets without their consent.. n it feels.. wrong... :| :| :|

is it just me? with strangers i dont care.. cos yea i dont know them.. but i dunno..



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