Friday, November 14, 2003

I AM BACK~!! GODDAMN DA CONCRETE MONKEY IS BACK AT LAST~!! Fucken after 1 long excruciating week of internet drought due 2 my move... I'm finally back online.... N WITH CABLE~! OMG~!! SWEET JEBUS it feels sooo good 2 b able 2 load up a page with more than 5 images without the computer going thru an epileptic fit... i swear... i dont know how i did it... n downloading... omg... downloading on a 28k modem is like shitting through a straw... u *can* do it... but goddamn u beta b patient beyond all reason... but just don't even *think* about huge chunks of... um... data...

Hai... n ignore that last post.. that was from Arch the dumb fuck... told him 2 post 4 me sayin that me offline n wat does he do? Fills up a chunk of my blog wit the same random, sporadic jibber that he has in his blog...
Haii.. the unfortunate thing about that boy is that unlike me where when i get drunk, its just a temporary thing; with him, he's basically tipsy all yr round... his little walnut brain just floats in excess alcohol which leaves in permanently intoxicated... n small attention span... come 2 think of it.. its probably heriditary cos Parrotgirl suffers from the same symptons.. :| eep..

o wellz.. as long as its not contagious... n at least they make interesting conversation from time 2 time...
U want funniness? talk about religion with a drunk... :)

Neways... i've been re-reading sum of my posts.. n fuck me dead sum of the shit that rolls outta my mouth just gives me goosebumps... its like... wtf was i on?? female hormone supplements??
*peers suspiciously into his "coffee"*
but yes... good ol alcohol.. n yea pat is rite.. we have been drinking a retarded lot lately... so if u get weird fone calls at ungodly hours of the nite... b nice n pick up n say hello~ <:) we're not asking 4 much~ <:)

If u *didnt* receive a fone call.. thats cos u're either:
(a) Shy
(b) Scary
(c) An asshole
:D yup no sugar coating here on this blog~ :D~~ where was i? Aah~~ the wonders of alcohol...
Alcohol is cleansing 2 both body n spirit...

My mind is washed of all problems i thought i had because now i just realise... fuck it.. life goes on.. if it wasnt meant 2 b it wasnt meant 2 b... not worth losing sleep over...

N my body is flushed of all impurities... vomiting til my stomachs empty, shitting out black seaweed n pissing til my urethra feels like its been passing acid...
Graphic details r fun ~ :) Same as unneccessary attention 2 detail~ :)

So yea.. dont worry... the concrete monkey is back again~! there shouldn't b another outburst like a love sick schoolgirl, cos he found his furry balls again~! they were under my bed... haha dun worry.. they not really that fuzzy... most of it's mould... :)

neways.. enuf ranting 4 now.. i'll post again later on..... goddamn sweet sweet cable~~ *drools.. out of every hole on his body...*
So come back soon pplz~!!
... i know... u're thinking... sif ne1 else is reading this shit~~!! but... i know u're out there... i can hear u breathing... u're all secretly fascinated by the workings of my 3 amigos... my last... precious 3 surviving braincells.. the 1s that survived the great vodka holocaust of 2002...
so yea.. i sed it b4 n i'll say it again... there may only b 3 left but they're good ones~!!



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