Thursday, November 06, 2003

Summer smells brings memories of Lisa back 2 monkeyboy...
Just the warmth of the sun, the fresh smell of the air... even the smell of my air freshner in my car, now working again cos the summer heat is melting it... reminds me of her... even a few cds in my collection trigger memories 2...

mebbe its due 2 loneliness... but now looking back.. i'm filled with regret... i dont know.. at the time i thought it was 4 the best.. mebbe i'm wrong... i'm probably wrong i know that now... but i ended it because i thought that, at the time... it was inevitable... we were always argueing over petty issues, n we were both after different things in a relationship... i thought at the time, the more we stay together, the more painful it'll b later on if we break up... She told me she wanted 2 break up 4 awhile... see how things go... so i decided... since she wants 2.. then mebbe if we break up now while we both thinking bout it then it'll b less painful..

I dunno.. it hurts now.. cos... now she wants nothing 2 do with me... n at times mebbe even resents me... but i really... *really* wished we could remain good friends... but it seems like thats the last thing she wants... i've tried many times n made many attempts at being friends...but she just gives me the cold shoulder... n it hurts cos.. even tho im over her now... but when we broke up i still truly, deeply loved her... i just thought it'll b 4 the best this way... i really did...

Haii.. this had nothin 2 do with nething... n im just rambling... as usual.... i know its wrong 2 b thinking of her.. cos it just stems from loneliness.. n thats wrong.. but... just.. the scent of summer... reminds me of her sweet little kisses...

Had 2 chances at love... n i blew both of them... n both times... i look back with *deep* regret... mebbe theres sumthing wrong with me... i think i'm just being childish... looking 4 perfection.. when it doesnt exist....


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